Financial Coaching
Financial Coaching
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The knowledge I've gained and continue to gain from this coaching has been a genuine blessing in my life. I had little to no concept of financial stability before I met Cindy. I had no savings, no idea of a budget. I was definitely living paycheck to paycheck.

It's taken patience and definitely a willingness to learn, but I'm very proud of the progress I've made in regards to financial stability. I'm not perfect, but I'm a million times better than I was. I can now account for every dollar. I budget weekly, and I'm actively working to increase a stable savings. I'm very grateful for the services CJW provides, I highly recommend you check them out!



What an incredible day it was, when I finally paid off all of my consumer debt of over $43K, in a matter of 15 months! I couldn’t have done it without the help of my amazing partner, and Cindy.

Cindy taught me about Dave Ramsey’s snowball approach, and that put me on the right path. I can’t believe I’m actually debt free. What a surreal feeling!



Cindy and her coaching helped revolutionize my already existing financial strategy. We trimmed the fat of overdone areas and brought into focus the areas that were lacking. Her coaching helped fill in holes in places I couldn't find solutions to on my own.

She's great for supporting people who are already moving in the right direction as much as for helping people who have no idea where to start. Cindy has a full and well rounded approach for not only organizing financials but also for exploring the other areas in one’s life where finances can be improved.

Do you struggle with time management? She’ll help you explore how to improve that area. Do you have crippling debt? She’ll work with you to give you hope and help you devise a path for managing it and finding freedom. She’s flexible, approachable, and understanding among many other positives. Cindy is always on your side and will make sure you know it!



In my Discovery Session, Cindy gave me some valuable insight into where my finances stand currently, and how to plan for the future. Cindy really helped to financially empower me in a way that is not exasperating, and will be very beneficial for me and my family!



Cindy is very knowledgeable in the area of finances. The content that she was able to teach me has benefited me as I have lived as a single mom trying to make ends meet and through her, I have learned how to budget and pay off some of my debts.

It is a great feeling to know that what Cindy has taught me are lifelong lessons moving forward. Thank you Cindy, you have been a true blessing!


The program is very helpful, loaded with useful tips and tools to help establish and maintain a budget. Cindy provides personalized attention which fosters a great environment to learn about the benefits of a budget.


I attended a class presented by Cindy and I found it helpful to refocus my financial priorities, rethink some long-held beliefs and bring to the forefront my financial planning and thinking instead of just running on "auto pilot."

Cindy is thought provoking and will encourage you to be more proactive, considering consequences of financial moves. Very sincere and knowledgeable, would encourage coaching to keep on track.