Financial Coaching
Financial Coaching
Schedule Free Q&A Call


Q: Wait. If I’m having money trouble, how can I afford a financial coach?

A: Maybe you can’t. Usually, though, you’re pretty good at finding money for what you really want. If you decide that investing in coaching will help you get the direction, discipline, and accountability to manage your money, then surely it will help you find a way to cover the cost.

Q: Where are you located? Where will we meet?

A: I’m located near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Coaching is generally a virtual session in my private meeting room on Zoom. In my experience, it’s actually a smoother process than meeting in person. If you are nearby and you really prefer to get together in person, we can give that a try.

Q: If the Discovery Session helps me see my situation and gives direction, why would I want further coaching?

A: You may not! If all you need is perspective and input on your current situation, and to be pointed toward the path to take, you’ll be all set without any further sessions. If we agree you’d benefit from having a guide who knows the path and can provide tips and accountability, then you might consider further sessions.

Q: Do you handle insurance or investing?

A: No, I am not licensed for those. However, I can help you think of your questions as you prepare to hire insurance and investment professionals. I can also refer you to trusted professionals.

Q: What’s the difference between a financial advisor and a financial coach?

A: Simple answer: A financial advisor deals with how the money behaves. A financial coach deals with how the person behaves.